Summers of 2013 and 2014

Here's my blog of my summers in Puerto Rico, learning about God, developing friendships, and reaching out to the Puerto Rican Community

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The End is Here, yet is still only the beginning

"Wow, it's already been a whole month", I sit and think to myself as I sit in my kitchen at home. It was truly an amazing trip and it's humbling to see the way God worked in so many ways of the course of our time in Puerto Rico this summer. Here's a bit of recaping to start off.

Since my last post, we have talked about missions, discipling and what it looks like to do both. We had a wrapping up prayer during World Vision where four of us prayed in a different language. We prayed for missionaries, the students on Project, the campuses, Puerto Rico and then each of us prayed for our home country. Palmer talked about discipling and what that looks like. We went to El Yunque National Rainforest (I got plenty of pictures uploaded to Facebook). It was breathtaking to see a vast majority of the island from the summit. We watched the USA beat Ghana and tie Portugal. Had the largest turnout for our biweekly soccer game at the University. Talked with several students and even saw about 9 of them coming to the church on Sunday which was amazing. Finished painting the classrooms at the school, and saw some of the folks from the school connected with the church also. And we had final D-group, where we spent almost an hour and a half discussing how we can be intentional on campus next year, be used by God and being plugged into a community at JU. And of course that hassle that is final room clean and flying back (which certainly stretched my patience at times).

So, spending a month in Puerto Rico is a lot of time and we certainly learned a lot. Here are some that we all learned as a group then I'll discuss a little more on the personal side. We learned to look at the bible as one giant story. I've heard it put that way before, however I've never seen it articulated so well before. We learned the value of Christian community and what real accountability looks like. Many of us learned to open up for the first time, and even a few for the first time truly understood the Gospel. We were better equipped to Evangelize, to study the bible and developed a better mission mindset, both in foreign missions, domestic missions and missions in the workplace. The way I have seen my guys grow, and many of the other folks leaves me speechless and in awe of God at times.
For me personally, I learned a lot of patience. Caring for and investing into the guys you're leading, and trying to be an example 24/7 can be exhausting. I've learned how to not let my anger get to me in a group setting where I can't get away and calm down (and still learning). I discovered more how much I need to get into the Word. Learned what it is like to disciple and to lead a D-group. And I learned to let go of the past, to not let it nominate my reactions and to forgive others even more. It was amazing.

So, what is Puerto Rico Project? Is it just a mission trip? Is it just a vacation? What is it really? To me, it's not a vacation, and it's more than just a mission trip. It's a month out of our busy college lives to where we can be developed in our walk with God, be equipped to talk to others about our faiths then also go out and do it. Learn what it's like to be in Christian Community and to grow closer to God. It is the great commission of going out and making disciples. Not only do we go out and begin that process with the Puerto Ricans. We also continue that process with us, of being discipled and discipling.

Come out next week on Wednesday at Wakulla Springs Baptist Church at 7 PM to hear even more of the amazing things God did in Puerto Rico.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Past week and a half in Puerto Rico

Well, it's week and a half in Puerto Rico. A lot of community service, some interesting times on campus and stuff like group dates and one on ones. All the while leading a group of other guys in a room and leading a D-group. Been interesting. For one, I've learned how much I really need God. How little I trust in Him, how little I can really do without Him. I've reached my breaking point a few times it has seemed, between anger, that feeling of helplessness and also frustration. Yet, I have learned some amazing things in regards to the bible, my faith, and about other people. 

I sitting in Starbucks now writing this as our room is on a group date with some of the girls. The rest of the guys are with the girls doing a photo scavenger hunt right now. Because of the uneven number of people, I get to be the judge which means I get a moment of relaxation in Starbucks to type this up. Project is a lot different than last year, especially being a leader. Last year I was learning a lot about my faith, my walk with God and getting to know other people. This year, the focus is the other guys in Project and they're spiritual walk. I have a whole new level of respect for the Campus Outreach Staff because they do this for a living, not just a month. It is a very time consuming task. Constantly pouring into these guy's lives. There have been times when I want to throw a chair and storm off, other times I've just wanted to cry because of the pain I've seen. Yet, it is one of the most amazing experiences. Despite our dirty room, small feuds over food, and when to go to bed, I've seen these guys open up, experience the Gospel, some for the first time, or some begin to experience freedom for the first time from different sins. It's awesome. I wouldn't trade it for the world. 

To slight change in direction, here's some of the stuff we've been learning and doing. We've really been learning a lot about seeing the Gospel throughout the bible, not just in the New Testament, and how the bible really is one giant story, which is awesome. Never have I read something like Ruth and seen Christ in it, and a foreshadowing of what is to come. That has been pretty amazing for a lot of people on Project and it's been really cool. Learning about who God is, where we place our identity. This week we're focusing on the value of Christian community which is amazing.

I hope to update more tomorrow cause there's so much more, and I can't wait to talk about it.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

First couple of days in San Juan

Well, it has definitely been a little hectic that past couple of days since reaching San Juan. It was a great flight, and it was really funny watching Katie react to the turbulence as we approached the Island. Also, one of the things that we do on Project is group dates. It is when a guys discipleship group ask out one of the girl groups. It's designed to teach the guys how to better treat girls like ladies (not that they don't know how) but also for the girls to encourage the guys in it also. However, it's a competition between the guys on who can come up with the most creative way to ask the girls on the group dates. Well, we got the flight attendents involved and asked the girls over the speaker system in the plane as we passed the Bahamas. It was awesome.

So over the past couple of days we've done a lot. From learning more about the Word, to learning about the singapore culture, it has been amazing. I definitely enjoyed working with some of the guys with their testimonies and how to tailor it to have a clearer presentation of the gospel through their experiences. Today we did evangelism in the Condado area, where we are staying. I was a little nervous to do it cause it didn't go so well last year for me when we did it in Condado. However today it was amazing. I got to talk to a guy who was a Christian and it was fun getting to practice my Spanish and he seemed to enjoy it also. Then Zavia and myself got to talk to two older ladies that were super friendly and actually challenged us to use our spanish to help improve it. It was amazing seeing one of the ladies heart for God and her love for Christ.

This year I'm a room leader and lead two other guys in a small Discipleship group. It was a little tough at first how to relate to the guys and a little discouraging after talking with some of the other group leaders because it seemed that their groups were connecting really well, talking and seeming to be more of a group while mine wasn't. It took some time to get to introverts to open up more but today during D-group, after not really getting anywhere with the plan for the day, I just was like "screw this plan, let's just talk with them. It was pretty amazing to see them open up and we had some  pretty good conversations and I was really thankful for that.

One a different note, it has been pretty good getting a chance to talk with some of the other guys on Project and really growing closer to them. David is one of the Air Force guys from Embry-Riddle and  him and I really connected well and had some amazing and deep discussions in Starbucks, I really enjoyed it and even though we've only known each other a week, I'm really thankful for him already. Along wit guys like Derek and Kyle, who I've also had great conversations with. I really glad Eric is one Project again. He is the leader's group leader and him and I have been close since last summer.

Monday we went to Cuevo del Indio, which is the rock formations off the coast. I managed to get sun burn on my neck which has sucked the past couple of days but overall it was fun. On our way to Cueva Ventana, we got pulled over for going 71 in a 55, but Will, who worked almost two years in PR says they don't give greengos tickets so we were good, actually turned out to be quite funny. I'll upload pictures from Cuevo del Indio and Cueva Ventana tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

It has finally begun

So, Puerto Rico Project has finally begun. A lot of the leaders traveled down on Monday morning, which was an interesting day to say the least. However, Tuesday morning was when everything finally started. We began leaders training at 10, at the Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, so it was kinda the officially beginning of the Project for us. We discussed a mutltitude of things that will help us be better Discipleship Group Leaders, Room Leaders and being intentional about impact the other students we will be leading. We also learned a bit about ourselves and the other leaders so we would be able to lead better and help the other leaders also. It was a lot of information but it was a pretty good time. I'm pretty sure all of the leaders (minus the Campus Outreach Staff) have had a chance to share their testimony in front of the group which was definitely fun getting to learn more about the other student leaders and how God worked through their lives to bring them here.
Last night was our first leader's D-group. It was definitely create to get to sit down with the other D-group leaders, all which I am close friends with, so it was nice getting a chance to catch up with some of the Embry-Riddle folks. We really started to tighten that bond and discussed how we can better serve each other as we lead this summer in Puerto Rico. I'm excited to lead my D-group especially after talking a while last night on planning for our first one and what not. Everyone else is starting to get here so it starting to really hit that PRP 2014 is starting this year. So PRP2014, here we go!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Two Weeks Out

Now that the semester is over, I think it's finally sinking in that we leave for Puerto Rico in only two weeks. It's weird to think I'm finally going to be back. All the amazing memories from last year are coming back and it makes me excited to go back to the Island (for all you Lost fans, that was not a reference to that island). However, things are going to be a little different. I get to go back as a leader, which is exciting, but at the same time really nerve racking. I posted this in the Facebook group for the PR leaders and I think it sums up what I'm thinking:

This summer, we're gonna have the amazing opportunity to pour into the lives of fellow students, both younger, our peers and possible even older. It can seem a little scary to have that challenge before us, especially when I see my own shortcomings every day. I ask myself, "who am I to be able to do this". Then I realized, we can't do it. Maybe at first we can, but in PR, you really get to know people, and they will see right through us and see the mask we have on. That's when God reminds me of the promises He spoke through Jesus in Matthew 19
"Jesus looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.'". God can use us to impact their lives in ways we can't even imagine, because it's going to be God working through us, not us doing it by our own strength. When we cling to Jesus, dive into the Word more and more each day, and starting living out those verses like Galatians 2:20, 5:16, Romans 12:1-2, Colossians 3:1-2, 12-17, it's going to have an amazing influence on everyone at Project. When the folks we're leading see us, are they're still going to see our brokenness, our struggles, fears, insecurities? Absolutely, however they're going to see a sinner redeemed, being a light pointing back to the awesomeness of a loving God.
As we prepare to go to San Juan this summer as leaders, to take our focus on our own strengths, leadership skills, etc, for they will fail. But rather put our focus on Christ and His purpose on earth, and amazing things will happen.

It's going to be exciting to see what happens. I'm ready to see how God works through all of us this summer. I know I'm going to be spending these next two weeks in thoughtful prayer with God preparing for this amazing month we're gonna spend in Puerto Rico, along with finishing raising support for the trip. I'd encourage y'all to pray for myself and the other leaders that we would be prepared to allow God to work in our hearts, and pour into the lives of the students we are leading. 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

So, the Journey begins again

It was such an amazing time last summer in Puerto Rico. From the many things I learned about myself, my personality and the way I react to things, to the way we interact with others and how to talk to folks about the Gospel, it was a truly life changing event. Then of course getting to take this all back to JU this past semester and a half has been interesting. Despite some difficult times, extremely difficult at certain points, God has still been there with me every step of the way, one of the key things I learned last summer in Puerto Rico. I've also had some amazing conversations with folks and God is opening a bunch of doors for me to begin to invest into other's lives. It's been one heck of a roller coaster, but it's only made my faith even stronger.

My first project in Puerto Rico was such an amazing learning experience that I have decided to go back again this summer, this time in a leadership role. I’m excited to have the chance to invest into other students and encourage them as they grow deeper in their faith, something I've been learning more about this semester.

As the weather starts warming up, even if it's only for a day or two at at time, the season for getting ready for Puerto Rico is back. From the nerve-racking experience of raising support, to leaders training and praying about this summer's project, the journey is starting again.